Convert Video File to FLV using ASP.Net(C#)
The method to convert video to .flv is too easy. You can download following files from .net:
2) ffplay.exe
3) pthreadGC2.dll
After downloading all the files
Follow the steps wrtitren:-
1)Make a new .net web site or windows application.
2)Copy and paste all the 3 above written files to root location
3)Copy and Paste code written below
4)Put an upload to page and rename to “ fileuploadImageVideo”
5)put and button and rename to btn_Submit
6)Make 3 folders OriginalVideo, ConvertVideo, Thumbs
7)Import Class “using System.IO;”
private bool ReturnVideo(string fileName) { string html = string.Empty; //rename if file already exists int j = 0; string AppPath; string inputPath; string outputPath; string imgpath; AppPath = Request.PhysicalApplicationPath; //Get the application path inputPath = AppPath + "OriginalVideo"; //Path of the original file outputPath = AppPath + "ConvertVideo"; //Path of the converted file imgpath = AppPath + "Thumbs"; //Path of the preview file string filepath = Server.MapPath("~/OriginalVideo/" + fileName); while (File.Exists(filepath)) { j = j + 1; int dotPos = fileName.LastIndexOf("."); string namewithoutext = fileName.Substring(0, dotPos); string ext = fileName.Substring(dotPos + 1); fileName = namewithoutext + j + "." + ext; filepath = Server.MapPath("~/OriginalVideo/" + fileName); } try { this.fileuploadImageVideo.SaveAs(filepath); } catch { return false; } string outPutFile; outPutFile = "~/OriginalVideo/" + fileName; int i = this.fileuploadImageVideo.PostedFile.ContentLength; System.IO.FileInfo a = new System.IO.FileInfo(Server.MapPath(outPutFile)); while (a.Exists == false) { } long b = a.Length; while (i != b) { } string cmd = " -i \"" + inputPath + "\\" + fileName + "\" \"" + outputPath + "\\" + fileName.Remove(fileName.IndexOf(".")) + ".flv" + "\""; ConvertNow(cmd); string imgargs = " -i \"" + outputPath + "\\" + fileName.Remove(fileName.IndexOf(".")) + ".flv" + "\" -f image2 -ss 1 -vframes 1 -s 280x200 -an \"" + imgpath + "\\" + fileName.Remove(fileName.IndexOf(".")) + ".jpg" + "\""; ConvertNow(imgargs); return true; } private void ConvertNow(string cmd) { string exepath; string AppPath = Request.PhysicalApplicationPath; //Get the application path exepath = AppPath + "ffmpeg.exe"; System.Diagnostics.Process proc = new System.Diagnostics.Process(); proc.StartInfo.FileName = exepath; //Path of exe that will be executed, only for "filebuffer" it will be "flvtool2.exe" proc.StartInfo.Arguments = cmd; //The command which will be executed proc.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; proc.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; proc.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = false; proc.Start(); while (proc.HasExited == false) { } } protected void btn_Submit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ReturnVideo(this.fileuploadImageVideo.FileName.ToString()); }
Now run the application select a video file, that will get converted and come to ConvertVideo Folder
thanks for the usefull post.but i have an error.wheni select some video files with .mp4 extensions everything is good but some of them i receive the connection was reset page when i click on submit button for upload the video file.what is the reason?
ReplyDeleteHi mohammad,
DeleteI think the issue is with your browser.. Are you using Mozilla firefox..
If yes,Then refer these links: